Examples Where Computer Fails to Find Solution Numerical Analysis
1.1 Linear equations
Solving linear systems of equations is straightforward using the numpy submodule linalg.solve
Example 1: Solve the following system of linear equations
The exact solution is
Here is the numerical solution using the function solve of the numpy submodule linalg
>>> import numpy as np >>> import np.linalg >>> A = np.mat('[1,3,5; 2,5,1; 2,3,8]') >>> b = np.mat('[10;8;3]') >>> np.linalg.det(A) -25.000000000000004 The determinant of A is not 0, so there is a unique solution >>> np.linalg.solve(A, b) matrix([[-9.28], [ 5.16], [ 0.76]])
1.2 Root finding
To find the roots of a polynomial, used the numpy roots subroutine.
Example 2: Find the roots of the polynomial
>>> import numpy as np >>> p = [1,-3,2,-1] >>> np.roots(p) array([ 2.32471796+0.j, 0.33764102+0.56227951j, 0.33764102-0.56227951j])
To find the roots of a non-linear equations, use the bissection method implemented in the scipy submodule optimize.bisect or the Newton-Raphson method implemented in the scipy submodule optimize.newton .
Example 3. Find the roots of the non-linear equation
- Bissection method starting on the interval [-2, 2]
>>> import scipy >>> import scipy.optimize >>> def f(x): y = x + 2*scipy.cos(x) return y >>> scipy.optimize.bisect(f, -2, 2) # starting interval [-2, 2] -1.0298665293221347
- Newton Raphson method with starting point at x0 = 2.
>>> import scipy >>> import scipy.optimize >>> def f(x): y = x + 2*scipy.cos(x) return y >>> scipy.optimize.newton(f, 2) # starting point x0 = 2, xn+1 = xn - f(xn)/f'(xn) for n>0 -1.0298665293222757
To find a root of a set of non-linear equations, the scipy submodule optimize.fsolve is needed.
Example 4: First find the roots of the single-variable non-linear equation using fsolve at starting point x0 = 0.3
>>> import scipy >>> import scipy.optimize >>> def f(x): y = x + 2*cos(x) return y >>> x0 = scipy.optimize.fsolve(f, 0.3) # 0.3 is the starting point >>> print x0, f(x0) -1.0298665293
Example 5: Find the solution of the system of non-linear equations starting at x0 = 1 and x1 = 1 using fsolve
>>> import scipy >>> import scipy.optimize >>> def func2(x): y = [x[0]*cos(x[1]) - 4, x[1]*x[0] - x[1] - 5] return y >>> x0 = scipy.optimize.fsolve(func2, [1, 1]) >>> print x0 [ 6.5041, 0.9084]
Python offers an alternative way of defining a function using the lambda form. The lambda form allows to create a function object.
Example 6: Solve the system on non-linear equations
starting at x=1, y = -1, z =2
>>> import scipy >>> import scipy.optimize >>> f = lambda x: [x[0]**2 - 2*x[0]*x[1] - x[2], x[0]*x[1] + x[1]**2*x[2], x[2]*x[0] - x[1]*x[2]+ x[0] - 1] >>> x0 = scipy.optimize.fsolve(f, [1, -1, 2]) >>> print x0 [ 0.38196601, -0.61803399, 0.61803399]
1.3 Integration
The integrate function provides several integration techniques including an ordinary differential equation integrator.
1.3.1 Integration of Polynomials
Integrate the following polynomial forn 0 to 1 using the numpy function pol.integ
>>> import numpy as np >>> pol = np.poly1d([1, 0, -4, -2, -3, 2])**5 # obtain the numpy polynomial form for the integrant >>> polint = pol.integ() # close form of the integral >>> print polint(1) - polint(0) # apply the integral boundaries to compute the value of the integral -579.48595177
1.3.2 Numerical integration: the scipy.integrate module
>>> import scipy as sp >>> import sp.integrate >>> help(sp.integrate) # get help >>> dir(sp.integrate) # list the functions available Methods for Integrating Functions odeint #Integrate ordinary differential equations. quad #General purpose integration. dblquad #General purpose double integration. tplquad #General purpose triple integration. gauss_quad #Integrate func(x) using Gaussian quadrature of order n.
The function scipy.integrate.quad provides a mean to integrate a function of one variable between two points. The points can be (
integrate.inf indicates infinite limits).
Example 7: Compute . The exact value of A is:
. Here are the steps to find the numerical solution
>>> import scipy.integrate >>> def func(x): y = x**2 return y >>> result, error = scipy.integrate.quad(func, 0.0, 2) #numerical solution and error >>> result 2.666666666666667 >>> error 2.960594732333751e-14) # the error in negligible
Example 8: Compute . The exact solution is 2
>>> import scipy.integrate >>> import math >>> y = lambda x: math.exp(-0.5*x) # using the lambda form to define a (pointer to a) function >>> result, error = scipy.integrate.quad(y, 0, scipy.inf) >>> result 2.0 >>> error 7.161469913133811e-11
Example 9: Suppose you wish to integrate the bessel function jv(2.5, x) along the interval [0, 4.5].
>>> import scipy.integrate >>> import scipy.special >>> y = lambda x: scipy.special.jv(2.5,x) >>> result, error = scipy.integrate.quad(y, 0, 4.5) >>> print result 1.1178179380783249 >>> print error 7.8663172481899801e-09)
1.3.3 Double integration
dblquad # double integration
Example 10:
Compute the integral . The exact value is
= 0.23104906018664842
DoubleIntegrationDemo.py """double integration""" from __future__ import division import scipy import scipy.integrate def f(x,y): s = x**2/y return s if __name__ == '__main__': result, error = scipy.integrate.dblquad(lambda y , x: f(x,y), 0, 1, lambda y: 1, lambda y: 2) print '\n' print 'Result =',result print 'Error =', error
Result = 0.231049060187
Error = 2.56515986437e-15
Example 10:
Compute the integral . The exact value is 1/3
DoubleIntegration.py """ Double integration """ from __future__ import division import scipy import scipy.integrate def func(x,t): y = scipy.exp(-x*t) / t**3 return y if __name__ == '__main__': result, error = scipy.integrate.dblquad(lambda t, x: func(x,t), 0, scipy.Inf, lambda x: 1, lambda x: scipy.Inf) print '\n' print 'Result =',result print 'Error =', error
Result = 0.33333333325
Error = 2.86040699212e-09
1.4 Ordinary differential equations: the scipy.integrate.odeint function
odeint #Integrate ordinary differential equations.
Example 11: Exponential decay. Solve the ordinary linear equation
with initial condition x(0)= 2. The exact solution is
OdeDemo1.py """ Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation """ # import modules for solving import scipy import scipy.integrate # import module for plotting import pylab as pl def dx_dt(x, t=0): # specify the initial time point t0=0 y = -x return y if __name__ == "__main__": t = scipy.linspace(0, 6, 1000) # create 1000 time points stating at t0=0 x0 = 2 # initial condition x = scipy.integrate.odeint(dx_dt, x0, t) # solve using odeint pl.plot(t, x) pl.show()
Example 12: Exact versus approximated solution. Solve the non-linear first order equation
with boundary condition
Plot the curves of the exact solution
and the approximated solution obtained with the function odeint on the same graph. OdeDemo2.py """ Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation. Exact versus approximated solution""" # import modules for solving import scipy import scipy.integrate # import module for plotting import pylab as pl def dy_dt(y, t=0): # specify the initial time point t0=0 z = (1 - 2*t)*y**2 return z def f_exact(t): #exact solution starting at y0=1 y = 1.0/(t**2 -t+1) return y if __name__ == "__main__": t = scipy.linspace(0, 10, 1000) # create 1000 time points stating at t0=0 y0 = 1 # initial condition y_approx = scipy.integrate.odeint(dy_dt, y0, t) # solve using odeint f = scipy.vectorize(f_exact) y_exact = f(t) # print len(y_approx), len(y_exact) # print scipy.shape(y_exact), scipy.shape(y_approx[:,0]) pl.plot(t, y_approx[:,0], 'ro', t,y_exact , 'bx') pl.legend(['Approximated solution','Exact solution']) pl.savefig('ExactVersusApprox.png') pl.show()
Example 13: System of non-linear first order differential equations. Solve the following system non-linear first order Lokta Volterra equations
with boundary conditions x0 = 10, y0 = 5. Plot the curves of x(t) and y(t) on the same graph for t in the interval [0,15].
OdeDemo3.py """ Numerical solution of system of first order ordinary differential equations """ # import modules for solving import scipy import scipy.integrate # import module for plotting import pylab as pl def dX_dt(X, t=0): # specify the initial time point t0=0 y = scipy.array([ X[0] - 0.1*X[0]*X[1] , -2./5*X[1] + 0.7*X[0]*X[1] ]) return y if __name__ == "__main__": t = scipy.linspace(0, 15, 1000) # create 1000 time points stating at t0=0 X0 = scipy.array([10, 5]) # initials conditions: x0=10 and y0=5 X, infodict = scipy.integrate.odeint(dX_dt, X0, t, full_output=True) # infodict['message'] #'Integration successful.' pl.plot(t, X[:,0],'ro', t, X[:,1], 'bx') # x = X[:,0] and y = X[:,1] pl.legend(['x(t)','y(t)']) pl.plot(X[:,0], X[:,1]) # plot phase portrait pl.show()
OdeDemo3.py """ Numerical solution of system of first order ordinary differential equations """ # import modules for solving import scipy import scipy.integrate # import module for plotting import pylab as pl def dX_dt(X, t=0): # specify the initial time point t0=0 y = scipy.array([ X[0] - 0.1*X[0]*X[1] , -2./5*X[1] + 0.7*X[0]*X[1] ]) return y if __name__ == "__main__": t = scipy.linspace(0, 15, 1000) # create 1000 time points stating at t0=0 X0 = scipy.array([10, 5]) # initials conditions: x0=10 and y0=5 X, infodict = scipy.integrate.odeint(dX_dt, X0, t, full_output=True) # infodict['message'] #'Integration successful.' pl.plot(t, X[:,0],'ro', t, X[:,1], 'bx') # x = X[:,0] and y = X[:,1] pl.legend(['x(t)','y(t)']) pl.plot(X[:,0], X[:,1]) # plot phase portrait pl.show()
Examples Where Computer Fails to Find Solution Numerical Analysis
Source: https://www.sites.google.com/a/aims-senegal.org/scipy/roots-finding-numerical-integrations-and-differential-equations