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Zona Tres Upload Circuit Breakers Just Cause 4

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Zona Tres Upload
Zona Tres Upload (wind tunnel breaker is in range).png
Mission in Simply Cause 4
Type Region Strike
To unlock Complete the mission César'due south Theory and take over the area s of here.
Starting location Zona Tres
Advantage Air current Cannon is unlocked at the supply drop.
Laderas Sur region is unlocked for takeover.

Zona Tres Upload is a mission in But Cause 4.


Quote from the map icon: "This science center's weather data could exist valuable in the battle against Illapa. Safely obtain the atmospheric condition data before sending in the army."

No demand to bring annihilation special. There'southward enough weapon crates around.


Rico arrives at Zona Tres and asks Sargento what to exercise.

Rico is then tasked with turning off the power for the "weather condition core". This is done by turning off four electrical breakers.

One is at the lesser of a hole side by side to a large automated turret. The turret launches missiles and fires a railgun at the player, but the corner of the hole nearest to the turret is safe. This is where the histrion can stand to employ the billow.

One is on top of a building. There are towers and bridges nearby that have snipers on them. It'south wise to kill them first.

One is on the other side of the base of operations from the in a higher place ii and is easy to get to. It just has soldiers effectually it, including a car gunner and a grenade launcher operator.

1 is inside the tunnels in the mountain. There's a large air current tunnel in there and the billow is half style through it. Information technology'due south incommunicable to grapple near to it, or drive any vehicle there.

There are 3 ways to disable the beaker:

  • Encounter how far yous tin can walk in the tunnel and finish at that place. So zoom in (like when aiming a weapon) and grapple the breaker. This may accept a few tries.
  • In that location are 2 enterances to the air current tunnel. the one that is closer to the fan leades to a research expanse with a computer where you can turn the fan off, letting Rico into the tunnel itself and allowing him to utilise the breaker.
  • Information technology has also been reported that Rico is non affected by the wind, if he grapples his way around on the ceiling.

Once all the breakers are flipped, yous'll need to get a hard bulldoze out of the middle of the core.

Just every bit Rico is about to grab it, Izzy warns him not to, but it's too belatedly. The bulldoze is oestrus sensitive, equally an anti-theft protection, then y'all'll accept express time (a piddling over a infinitesimal) to deliver it to a like figurer inside the big drinking glass dome edifice.

Grapple and parachute your manner in that location and shoot at the windows while in flight to salvage time. The target computer is on a high yellowish platform in the eye of the building.

When the bulldoze is in, Izzy begins transmitting data, so you'll need to protect the transmitter antenna. Discover that in that location's a weapon crate near here.

There volition be many Black Manus soldiers trying to destroy the transmitter. Some run upward the stairs with assail rifles and some burn down sniper rifles and RPGs from nearby platforms. These other platforms are obstructed by plants, and then it might exist a good idea to grapple to them to clear them out.

Later on at that place will also be helicopters arriving to shoot at the antenna. The most efficient way to eliminate them is to grapple them to each other, or to nearby stationary objects and use the retractor to destroy them.

When the transmission is at about 70%, the signal gets jammed. The Black Hand have prepare 2 jammers.

There may all the same be some enemies shooting at the antenna, but they'll despawn when you're far plenty. Staying here will get the antenna destroyed, because the antenna even so has its health bar.

The jammers are well-nigh immune to fall damage, and then don't bother grappling them. They have to be blown upwards.

And then get back to the antenna and protect it some more than. The final assail wave will take helicopters and a few drones. These drones are non also tough to small artillery burn down, but could probably likewise be grappled.

The mission is over when the manual ends. Sargento mentions that at that place'south petabytes of data in that location.


  • Some players accept remarked that this mission is among, if non the hardest in the game.
    • The breaker in the current of air tunnel is not easily noticed and even so some players may want to switch the wind off to walk over to the breaker.
    • The part where you defend the transmitter is probably not going to get any more difficult.
    • There are trees and other things that while the Black Hand seem to accept no problem ignoring to attack the transmitter, do matter to Rico to attack the Black Hand.
    • In that location is a very high probability for the transmitter to be at critical health at the finish where the drones and helicopters arrive.
  • The "Blackness Manus HQ" that radios in has a voice that sounds like Gabriela Morales. There's about a scattering of missions where Gabriela seems to personally call and give commands.

